2024 Astrology Diary
Available from the link below
The annual Astrology Diary is now in its seventh year of publication and is ideal for obtaining advance information about the exciting year ahead in your life. Here is a summary of the diary, which is now available for purchase at book shops and online via the link below:
Make 2024 your year with Patsy’s astrological guide to the year ahead. In the original SOUTHERN HEMISPHERE EDITION you’ll focus on health, wealth and happiness with up-to-date insight into major planetary alignments and what they will mean for you including eclipses, New Moons, Full Moons and Sun sign forecasts throughout the year.
The 2024 Astrology Diary is a week-at-a-glance planner containing interpretations of astrological phenomena to help you plan your days, weeks and months according to the stars. With an expert analysis of daily lunar and planetary movements, plus explanations of eclipse seasons, supermoons and retrograde phases, this is your go-to-planner for 2024.
Select the northern hemisphere diary for dates in Greenwich Mean Time (GMT), suitable for use throughout the northern hemisphere, and select the southern hemisphere diary for dates in Australian Eastern Standard Time (AEST), suitable for use in the southern hemisphere. Published by Rockpool Publishing. You can purchase your copy here for the southern hemisphere (link below! $16.50 plus $4.99 p&p.)
UPDATE 15.12.23: Only three copies left on the site below!