Patsy Bennett Astrological Predictions about Australia
The most recent prediction Patsy Bennett made about Australia was recorded on live TV on Channel Ten’s The Project. This was in 2018 when Patsy was asked what kind of effect the Supermoon and Mars opposition may have. Patsy responded that it could mean ‘political dissent’. Within one month Australia had a new prime minister after presiding prime minister Malcolm Turnbull was ousted.
Previous to this, the most recent predictions which eventuated occurred in November and December 2014. In December 2011 (Bribie Weekly, Friday, December 30, 2011), Patsy predicted that February 22, 2012 would be an eventful time affecting Australia’s image. It turned out to be the day former Foreign Minister Kevin Rudd tendered his resignation while overseas. He then made a bid to regain his Prime Ministership – and the public political bickering for the leadership role continued until he regained the pole position.
Patsy’s predictions for Australia in 2014 which were made on January 5, 2014, have come about. The predictions were published in the link below to the Daily Mercury on January 5, 2014: article above includes Patsy Bennett’s 2014 predictions for important dates, of which the first, for January 29, came about. The prediction reads: January 29, 2014: ‘An important date for Australia’s image or position possibly associated with government policy. On January 29, the appointment of Retired General Peter Cosgrove was announced in The Australian newspaper.
Another prediction, that November 16, 2014, would be a significant day for Australia, possibly involving the national debt: On that day the news was certainly around money as the government announced substantial cuts to ABC and SBS funding that week and a historic free trade deal was made with India earlier in the week.
On November 24, Patsy writes: ‘I predicted that November 22, 2014 would see a change in government policy and this is certainly also related to the ABC cuts, as one of the government’s pre-election promises was to ‘not make cuts’ to ABC funding…’
Another prediction was that on December 6 there would be ‘A change in domestic policy affecting our (Australia’s) overseas image, connected with finances or spending. A possible interest rate rise. “The following week saw the unprecedented ‘Sydney siege’ on the same day the government’s half-yearly financial report was due to be televised. The former event eclipsed the latter.”