FAQs - Byron Bay Astrologer & Psychic

Yes, Patsy Bennett is available for individual consultations in Byron Bay in her relaxing reading room.
Patsy also works by phone, email, What’s App, Zoom and Skype.
Her online and phone sessions are just as detailed and accurate as her in-person readings, see details below under ‘Distance Readings’ for more information.
It is possible to book an appointment with Patsy by calling 0448808333 or sending an email to office@patsybennett.com with your preferred date and time and duration of appointment.
Astrology Reports
Private consultations with Patsy Bennett are available in person; by Skype, email or by post. All private consultations take place in a safe environment and are one hundred per cent confidential (see privacy policy below)
a) The one-hour Astrology analysis and report features in-depth analysis of your personality traits; behavioural patterns; talents, soul path, vulnerabilities, strengths and emotional responses, plus a forecast for up to three years into the future showing planetary influences; opportunities and likely events. The 20-page astrology report aims to help you to make informed decisions in the present, which will help you to tread a smoother path into a brighter future.
b) The ‘transit report’ half hour consultation plus a 2-3 page report looks at the next 12 to 24 months, taking into account planetary influences around your personally going into the future. The transit report will also look in-depth at your personality traits and emotional responses, helping you consider the best way forward for you personally.
c) Analysis of your natal chart and transits over a one-hour consultation.
To make a booking for an astrology reading, you will need to know your date of birth; your time of birth and your place of birth.
Patsy is both a natural and a skilled psychic and medium. She began reading palms when she was 14 years old and has developed her mediumship skills to a high level. She is clairvoyant, clairsentient, claircognizant and clairaudient.
Her psychic readings will help you to access a deeper understanding of your current situation and your future options and as such provide clarity, enabling you to make informed decisions. For an appointment, please contact Patsy via the contact form or by email here: office@patsybennett.com
If you wish to book a psychic mediumship reading with Patsy by phone, Skype or Zoom, please call 0448 808 333 to book an appointment or click the button below.
Yes, Patsy can tailor-make your reading so it suits you. You may prefer a one-hour mediumship reading for example; or a one-hour astrology session. Just let Patsy know when you arrive at your appointment. If you have no particular preference for the type of reading Patsy offers you, she will use her various skills to bring the most detailed information forward for you, so that the reading is as accurate as possible, using clairvoyance, astrology, tarot and mediumship.
“So many of my clients prefer to see me face-to-face. I know this is because it’s an experience and you like to feel the presence of healing energy, and the people close to you in Spirit – especially during a spiritual mediumship reading.
But did you know that, for psychic, mediumship and clairvoyant readings, especially ‘soul-to-soul’ readings, skilled psychics do not need to see you in person, or be physically close to you for the reading to be accurate?
This is because during readings, especially ‘soul-to-soul’ readings, the psychic connection we make is with your higher self, your soul, your Spirit guides, angelic energy and Spirit.
Of course a psychic then communicates with you, but the actual psychic connection is not with your physical form, but with your higher self.
In my readings, I connect with this element of you and in this way am able to bring big-picture guidance and insight, helping you to make clear decisions moving forward.”
Patsy Bennett
Yes and no. Patsy Bennett is a proven spiritual medium and astrologer. She has predicted events on a personal and world scale over the past couple of decades. To understand her predictions it’s essential to know that every person is on a path to somewhere and has free will, which enables everyone to make their own decisions. Psychics can tap into your energetic navigation path and give you information so you make the best choice about what possible road to follow. It will then be for each client to decide how best to move forward.
‘I am aware that privacy is important to my clients. Your sense of safety and security within your private reading is important to me. For this reason, readings are conducted in a private office and they are confidential. Your personal information is not shared with any other person or organisation. It is important to me that you feel safe and supported and your information is safely kept within the clear ethical boundaries of the confidential environment of the personal consultation.’ Patsy Bennett
Patsy Bennett makes no claims, promises or guarantees through providing clarity and insight through her psychic, clairvoyant, tarot, astrological and mediumship readings. Her consultations are intended to offer insight only. As such, her consultations do not in any way replace any medical, legal, financial or professional advice and research. All information given in the many modalities in which Patsy Bennett works (astrological, psychic, tarot, palm reading and mediumship) are for guidance and entertainment purposes only and Patsy Bennett does not accept any liability. By booking an appointment, consultation or reading, you accept and understand the above.