Your April astrology blog
‘As with everything in life, we have a choice. In astrological interpretation of current circumstances, we have a choice of whether to go with negative feelings and impulses, or whether to subscribe to the positives in life. In this case, in 2020, we have the choice of whether to subscribe to fear and rigidity; or whether to adapt to new circumstances, and to use our better abilities to express our deeper wishes for peace and unity.’
There are a great deal of tough astrological aspects this month, but the cloud we’re currently under does have a silver lining, even if we must look hard for it.
Meanwhile, developments early in April will spotlight again the uncertainty of current times, and it really is as if we need to navigate blind. So of course the best-case response when we are walking in the dark is to avoid running and panicking!
It’s so important in April to take things step by step; to slow down and avoid knee-jerk reactions to unprecedented events.
The circumstances early April will show us just how much further we need to go re: the virus situation here in Australia and globally. And, given the overall ‘blind’ journey we’re navigating, it seems it will be a long journey, so it’s important to prepare for the long-haul. That said, we may be surprised by developments early April, such as news of a ‘flattening of the curve’ or even an optimistic outlook; but it’s just as well to remain careful, given the circumstances…
And, as Jupiter the traditional ‘luck bringer’ aligns with Saturn and Pluto early April, Jupiter could swing the pendulum in our favour, creating an upbeat environment for progress. On the other hand, Jupiter is also known as a magnifier, and so it may magnify and proliferate already difficult circumstances.
Of course we all have our own personal circumstances to navigate within the big picture, and depending on where in your natal astrological chart Saturn, Pluto and Jupiter align, this placement will determine where in your life you are experiencing most change. Some people are finding the current circumstances revitalising; others dire. For example, some may have this Saturn-Pluto-Jupiter alignment in your fourth house of home, and will find your domestic life the place of most upheaval. Others will have the Saturn-Jupiter-Pluto alignment in your eight house, and will find juggling duties, finances and responsibilities the most difficult.
Jupiter will be conjunct Pluto on April 5th, so expect important news then.
The supermoon in Libra on April 8th will spotlight what we can and can’t do: how much power – or powerlessness – we have now. Avoid feeling powerless; power comes from inside you, not from outside you. This supermoon suggests it’s within your own capacity to direct how you react to events, and to maintain a balanced and harmonious outlook, despite a constantly changing scenario.
Pluto, representing the psyche, the subconscious; great transformation, life and death, brings these intense qualities: life, death, transformation, into your awareness this year as Saturn the planet that governs restrictions, rules, authority, boundaries and structures, spotlights the current limits we are working under. The positive influences of Saturn on our psyche are being able to work with clear structures to enjoy life. The negative influences of Saturn are that we risk being immersed in fear, control and loss of freedom.
Astrologically, we now have the choice: to see our lives as the interplay of our psyches and ‘reality’, in which our inner heroes must rise and survive; or to see ourselves as victims of relentless fate and therefore to subscribe to our fears – and particularly our fears of being controlled.
As with everything in life, we have a choice. In astrological interpretation, we have a choice of whether to go with negative feelings and impulses, or whether to subscribe to the positives in life. In this case, in 2020, we have the choice of whether to subscribe to fear and rigidity; or whether to adapt to new circumstances, and to use our better abilities to express our deeper wishes for peace and unity.
Surprising or sobering news towards the end of April will once again provide insight into the best way ahead. The New Moon in Taurus will be conjunct Uranus, suggesting a surprising development concerning our general circumstances. As this New Moon will be ‘square’ Saturn, it looks like containment, restrictions and limitations will continue into May and for months beyond. However, where Uranus is concerned, we must still expect the unexpected, and Uranus has, since its ingress in Taurus, brought serious change to many of our social and cultural structures. There may be key environmental news at this time, such as the need for better care of the Earth – or the increased benefits of less air and ground travel, reducing carbon emissions.
News at the end of April will be another key indicator showing the length and breadth of the current lockdown, as Jupiter will still be conjunct Pluto when Pluto stations, bringing into being a ‘punctuation mark’ within the current chapter in our lives, while Mercury, the communications magnet, ‘squares’ Jupiter and Pluto, suggesting key news affecting travel, restrictions, commerce and communications.
Saturn and Pluto will once again come into a strong conjunction in September-October, suggesting important developments then concerning current developments, and possibly a form of resolution and/or new developments regarding the current global turmoil. The key to happiness right now rests in being prepared to adapt to the new and expressing your inner strength, enabling you to see a better way forward clearly. x
For more details about how the astrology in April may affect your life on a more personal level, feel free to book an astrology consultation by calling Patsy on 0448808333. (Image by Wikilmages.)