Your August astrology blog
The mood in August is progressive, despite evident challenges as events will take you outside your comfort zone. The Full Moon on August 3rd/4th in Aquarius coincides with a couple of tense astrological aspects that week that may bring the unexpected your way. And, while for some there will be pleasant surprises, for others this could be a challenging start to the month.
And, while even good news can take a little adjusting to, this is the flavour of the month: adjusting to the ‘different’; the ‘new’ and the need to be innovative and imaginative to carve a path ahead for yourself.
An Aquarian Full Moon invariably asks you to think ‘outside the square’ about your options; to try something new. And, with Venus in Cancer, Mercury in Leo and Mars in Aries for much of the month, bold and courageous behaviour will get you far, as long as you keep in touch with what – and who – truly motivates you.
You’ll benefit from focussing on self-nurture and nurturance of others during this time as you may ask yourself how you can maintain peace in your life while at the same time move on from outdated habits that either need re-appraisal or adjusting to.
The Leo New Moon on August 19th will be revitalising on many levels, so ensure you lay the groundwork now for a fresh chapter. You may be amazed at what you can do, even within restrictive limitations and boundaries being set.
The main pitfalls this month will revolve around communications, especially around August 10th, 13th, 15th and 24th. So if you feel your communication skills are lacking in some way, this is the time to polish them up – anything from interpersonal communication skills to digital and technological savvy.
You may receive news that will mean you must go over old ground or review your plans mid-month. Luckily, the next few months will provide the opportunity to do so. And, if you maintain a progressive, forward-looking approach to your ventures and activities, you may find that this month brings a fresh and healing phase that promotes productivity and general improvement in your own personal state of mind and happiness.
NB: This is a general guide only to the month’s stars. For a more personal account, consider a consultation. For bookings and options, see the link here.