December astrology blog

Solar eclipse Matt Nelson

December features a beautiful solar eclipse (pictured) and has the hallmarks of progress and success, but this will depend on being proactive and taking action. While the tone this month is one of healing and improvement, it is always a long road to walk between on the one hand, having excellent ideas and plans and, on the other hand, making them reality. So, to make things happen for you, it’s time to take action! And, as easy as this may sound, of course it is not always: ‘Thinking is easy, acting is difficult, and to put one’s thoughts into action is the most difficult thing in the world’ – so said inspired writer Goethe.

The key to moving ahead in December lies in being practical and realistic; taking steps towards your goals without being misled by distractions; but also in remaining adaptable. Luckily, the arrival of jovial Jupiter in the earthy sign of Capricorn on December 3rd (where it will stay for a year) will add a sense of stability and security to the actions you take. So rest assured if you plan well and strategise this month, your many inspired projects will come to fruition.

The Gemini Full Moon on December 12th will spotlight important communications, travel or even contracts. It’s an excellent time to get these key areas of your life ship-shape for the New Year. This Full Moon will also spotlight your resources. Consider how you might budget or share space more effectively. Be prudent with spending now, or you may incur debt that is hard to recover from.

The trine (120-degree angle) between Jupiter and Uranus on the 16th should confirm you are on the right track as exciting plans come together mid-month. But if the opposite occurs (Uranus can often present a surprise and not always a pleasant one!) take small, practical steps and aim to build a solid foundation on which to build your dreams, as Jupiter in Capricorn will help you to do this.

As the Sun joins Jupiter in Capricorn on December 22nd, this marks the solstice. For many, this will be a happy time; one in which surprises bring great rewards. But if you experience the opposite, take steps to maintain a strong position and, if you feel certain traditions or routines in your life are changing rapidly, aim to establish balance and peace of mind nevertheless.

Events will gain a momentum of their own in December. If this momentum takes you into pleasant terrain, of course: all well and good. For some, though, the groundswell of change that takes you to the Saturn-Pluto conjunction early January 2020 may be overwhelming.

If this is the case, focus on compassion – not only for others, but also very importantly for yourself. Forgiveness for your own and others’ past actions (that weren’t perfect) will plant a seed of purpose and gratitude that will serve you well as you sail into 2020.

Above all, trust your instincts now. And, to do so, a clear mind will be necessary: this will be a healing month, and the more you take action to create peace of mind and good health, the better for you.

The total solar eclipse on Boxing Day will be seen as a partial eclipse in some parts of northern and western Australia. The eclipse may bring many issues to the forefront over Christmas, so the more stable and calm, thoughtful and reasonable your approach to others’ impulsiveness the less likely you will undergo difficulties at this time. 
A solar eclipse can bring intense emotions to the surface and you may be predisposed to overindulge at Christmas and the New Year (more so than the season is known for!). But if you choose a peaceful or introspective – or simply romantic time – you will thrive as you enter 2020! Have a lovely month, Christmas, solstice, and New Year! (Many thanks for photo of solar eclipse to Matt Nelson).