Your February astrology blog
A predominantly Aquarian month with no planets retrograde until the 17th makes an excellent month to get things done. Take the time to mobilise plans and to research ideas that have been in the back of your mind for some time because putting them into action may be easier than you imagine.
Mercury in Pisces from the 3rd will bring an inspired approach to communications, through art, music, and your true passion and potential in life can come into its own now. Take notice of the kinds of ventures, plans and projects that catch your eye.
Venus in Aries from the 8th will bring bold decisions, especially to do with love and money.
Developments around February 7th-9th will be motivational as the Leo Full Moon on the 9th will illuminate your best path forward. It’s important at this time to look ahead long-term, rather than hang on to outdated habits that no longer resonate.
The Scorpio Moon this St Valentine’s Day evening will add passion to romance. If you’re looking for change in life in general, be inspired by your true interests, as February could go a long way to improve your circumstances.
Mercury turns retrograde on the 17th, so aim to get important paperwork underway before then. The Sun in Pisces and Mercury retrograde in the same sign could bring idealism to the surface so ensure your plans are realistic and practical, as Neptune in Pisces conjunct Mercury as it turns retrograde could signal mistakes unless decisions are taken carefully at this time. But if you have all your plans worked out, you may feel inspired by a fresh opportunity or a surprise.
That said, four planets in Capricorn may entice you to play safe, but you will be able to consider long-term strategy carefully to enable plans to take positive steps ahead.
The Pisces New Moon on the 24th will kick-start a deeper connection with your heart, intuition and imagination; this will be great for artistic and spiritual endeavours and a deeper understanding of some of the very serious developments occurring already so far this year. It’s a good time to float new ventures, but you must avoid gambling at this New Moon; making assumptions is likely to backfire.
For more details about how the transits in February may affect your life on a more personal level, feel free to book an astrology consultation by calling Patsy on 0448808333.