Your July astrology blog
10 July 2020: Comet Neowise is visible at the moment, and Venus is at her brightest, close to Aldebaran in the constellation Taurus. Some lovely sky watching to be done now!
Meanwhile, we are out of the eclipse season, so it’s time to collect our thoughts and to plan ahead for the next few months. You’ll get the chance to re-orientate your expectations given the considerable changes that have occurred since March.
Jupiter and Pluto aligned end of June/early July, precipitating the need to review since the last time they were conjunct early in April. They will once again align in mid-November, when there will be another time of ‘reckoning’ regarding our collective circumstances, and so another chance to re-think your plans.
This makes July a good time for a mini-review, as the run-up to a considerable change of focus will occur from September onwards until the end of the year. The last quarter of the year will be a time of reckoning when the results of all the measures that have been put in place this year so far will be truly tested and we will see how well – or not so well – our own plans are panning out and collectively, whether we need to reconsider some of our measures, such as lockdown laws, international travel and so forth.
Meanwhile back to July! Once Mercury ends it retrograde phase on July 12th, you’ll find developments begin to speed up, although communications may still seem clunky or slow until the end of the month, so aim to be super-clear and concise for best measure!
Keep an eye out on developments around July 14th as these will give you the heads up about where your big-picture concerns are heading. Consider the nurturing aspects of your life versus your ambitions and goals. The two areas invariably overlap, as you need to self-nurture in order to succeed with your aims. And when you succeed, you find you have more time to nurture both yourself and others.
So success in July will lie in how well you are establishing this balance between self-nurture and goal-setting and attainment. It’ll be a good time to re-balance at this time if you find these important areas are out of balance.
The New Moon on July 21st (Australian time) will emphasise whether you have limited your options too much in order to find more stability and security in life, and if you could unlock some of the limitations to gain more freedom of movement. On the other hand, if you’ve overestimated how much freedom and exuberance you need, you may discover you prefer a quieter, less exuberant life for now and will make the necessary adjustments.
Above all, this month’s stars point to the benefits of re-aligning yourself with your true soul’s purpose. Your purpose, as the Dalai Lama says, is to be compassionate. And you also have several soul developmental paths open to you personally. If you’ve always wondered what your own soul path is – and therefore what lessons you’re learning in your lifetime – consider this book: ‘Astrology: Secrets of the Moon’. Written around your Moon’s North Node point, which tells you about your soul path and purpose, it focusses in on 12 archetypal learning paths according to your own karmic path.
As the Moon’s Nodal axis is currently aligning with the Galactic Centre, this is a super-potent time to find out more about your own true soul path. So if you’ve ever wondered what your soul’s calling is, now’s the time to find out. Meditation will help you discover this and positive results from meditation will be super potent this month.
NB: This is a general blog about the stars right now. For a more individual reading, consider a personal astrology consultation.