Your November astrology blog
There’s an intense atmosphere this month, starting from the 1st, so it’s vital you have all your ducks in a row, or you could find yourself swept up in developments. And, while for the rest of the world apart from most of Australia, there was a blue moon in October, in November, there will be a blue moon at the end of the month in Australia (but not in the rest of the world!). And this blue moon will also be a partial lunar eclipse.
The good news? You’re likely to find the month increasingly energising, especially fire signs Aries, Leo and Sagittarius (plus Scorpio too), and there will be a chance to boost health and wellbeing too, so take it! Find ways to restore your energy, especially if you have felt ‘cooped up’ over several weeks or months.
If you’re finding life challenging, take things step by step, especially around the important alignment of Jupiter and Pluto on November 12. The alignment will provide the heads-up about the kinds of developments you will need to tackle at the New Moon mid-month – and potentially also a heads-up about likely developments going into 2021 too.
The New Moon on November 15 will be especially potent and could put you on an entirely new track. And it may not be the track you want unless you’ve laid careful groundwork. You’ll know soon enough by November 17 whether your plans are hitting gold or falling short.
The partial lunar eclipse in Gemini on November 30 will signal the start of the eclipse season, which will stretch until mid-December, although the after-effects could last much longer – in some cases, an entire lifetime, especially if you are a Gemini or Sagittarius! For most of us however, these two eclipses (the second will be on December 15) could open doors to better communications and, for some, to more travel. Get set to broaden horizons!
And, if you’re in a part of the world that is under lockdown, you will gain the opportunity to learn new ways to communicate and, prospectively, also to learn new ways to get ahead either in your chosen profession, via study and in your interpersonal relationships.
This is the month to find new ways to interact, to learn and to be. Seize the opportunity; you’ll be glad you did!
NB: This blog is a general guide only. For a more personal account, consider an astrology consultation. Call 0448808333 to make an appointment with Patsy.