November astrology blog
Venus and Jupiter in the adventurous sign of Sagittarius are the signature for the month and are a call to embrace adventure and progress in your life. And, while the Sun, soon to be joined by Mars is in Scorpio, your passions and a sense of motivation will be engaged. So, when you place the desire and intention to power ahead in your life, you will do so especially well this month. But there is a pitfall: that you could tie yourself up in knots through strong emotions that derail otherwise solid and well-laid plans. So it’s vital in November to harness fairly wild but nevertheless proactive energy and to direct it into well-thought-out action.
This aside, the big news this month will be the Mercury transit of the Sun on November 12th (in the southern hemisphere). This transit is like a super-powered Sun-Mercury conjunction, visible from Earth. So essentially, Mercury comes in between our planet and the Sun in a direct line, enabling astronomers to view this fast-paced planet Mercury as it is backlit by the Sun.
This celestial event coincides with the Full Moon in Taurus. This Full Moon will be most potent for Taureans, Scorpios, earth signs, fixed signs and Aries. And the transit of Mercury brings Gemini and Sagittarius into the mix – so essentially, this celestial event will be potent for all.
So how will it affect you? This transit delivers the clear message that transition and change in your life cannot be avoided. Travel and communications, self-expression and the ability to manifest your ideas and projects in real terms are the vehicles of change for you. If you have been digging your heels in and have been unwilling to bend to prevailing circumstances, this transit asks that you become more flexible and, at the same time, look for ways to boost your sense of stability and security in life.
If being adaptable at the same time as seeking security sounds like a paradox to you, then you are on the path to discovering it needn’t be. The way you discover this will be your own way; your own path to understanding. Use as a guide on this path the following: take a moment to re-consider how you will forge ahead in the healthiest way? Advisors, exercise and nutrition will all help, but the decision must come from you to create good health for yourself. Health is, after all, a solid platform from which to embrace the inevitable change that is coming your way – or that may already have manifested in your life.
November is about you – and how you harness your own energy and how you put it to good use, both for yourself and others. The New Moon on November 27th will be in Sagittarius; the most adventurous of signs. It’s time to embrace the new; to shoot for the stars. And the best way to do this is to boost your own energy and to forge ahead with well-laid plans, optimistically and with clarity. You’ll find the best path this month, so be alert!
Some beautiful aspects at the same time as Neptune ends its retrograde phase at the end of November will contribute to a sense of optimism as the month comes to a close. Make a wish on the New Moon; but as usual, be careful what you wish for; it’ll surely come true! Photo of the last transit of Mercury in 2016 by Jonny Lindner.