Your October astrology blog
This month there will be a mix of positive developments and rewards for past efforts; and there will be a fair share of challenges that will ask you to step up to be even stronger and more courageous in this unprecedented year. The hotspots for tension are listed below; but if you plan ahead well, and aim for balance and a realistic attitude, this month you will gain a sense of progress, at the least.
The Aries Full Moon opposite Chiron at the start of the month puts the focus fairly and squarely on a fresh chapter to do with health and wellbeing. You may find new rules and regulations enter the picture early in October, especially to do with the pandemic and more specifically to do with your health or that of someone close.
The Mercury-Uranus opposition on October 7- 8 will bring unexpected news and the chance to move forward with a financial, work or personal matter. A beautiful alignment between Mars and the Moon’s north node on October 10 -11 will allow a degree of movement regarding where you wish your life to go., so this will be a good time to set fresh intentions and aim for gold.
To ensure the changes you make this month are going to be fulfilling (as opposed to a waste of your time), it’s important during the second week of October to make time to ‘dig deep’ and access your true desires on a spiritual level: what and who really motivates you to be a better person and therefore to feel accomplished on a deep level when you attain your goals in relation to your deepest priorities, values and sense of purpose.
Developments around October 12 will shine a light on where your greatest efforts are reaping rewards – and potentially also, where your plans will require more effort.
Try to get major plans in motion before October 14 when Mercury will begin a three-week retrograde phase. The second half of the month will be ideal for resuming past projects; going over old paperwork and ensuring you have things ship-shape moving forward into the last quarter of the year and into 2021.
If you have a strong Gemini signature in your natal chart, you may receive key news around this time; then again around the 20th and 25th.
The Libra New Moon on October 17 will ask that you move forward with a view to finding more peace in your life. Count your lucky stars with gratitude for all that you have in life, rather than focus on the negatives and the uncertainty that surrounds the global situation. Find peace and balance in your life in resourceful ways. You may even surprise yourself with your ability to innovate and carve a clever way ahead for yourself. Align yourself with your greatest goals and your deepest values and you will find you can forge a clear path ahead. Avoid being restless and impulsiveness. This New Moon will be opposite a retrograde Mars and could precipitate reckless behaviour you could regret unless you’re careful.
There will be a blue moon on October 31 in the northern hemisphere, but not in the southern hemisphere, as the full moon will fall before midnight in the northern hemisphere, but after midnight in the southern hemisphere, making the full moon November 1, not October 31 in the southern hemisphere! A blue moon is the second of two full moons in one calendar month.
In the lead-up to this full moon in Taurus, ensure you have all the facts at hand that you need to make insightful decisions, as there will otherwise be a tendency to ignore vital information and simply to proceed without the facts. But with due diligence, you will overcome uncertainty and the full moon will spotlight how you can proceed the best way in practical terms.
Hotspots that may feel tense: October 9-11; 15; 18-19. Expect the unexpected: October 7-8; 20; 31.
NB: This blog is a general guide only. For a more personal account, consider an astrology consultation. Call 0448808333 to make an appointment with Patsy.