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The mythology of a Mercury retrograde

There are on average three Mercury retrograde phases every year, and these phases have gained a reputation for being tricky – and worse – problematic and chaotic. But is this true? What if it isn’t? What if our approach to Mercury retrograde phases actually precipitates problems, especially if we are apprehensive

It’s true that the planet Mercury is named after the trickster Roman god Mercury, who was in turn named after Hermes. There is likely to be truth to the belief that anything to do with Mercury is going to be tricky. But that doesn’t need to be the end of it. 

In a recent interview with Metro UK, I looked at how to thrive regardless of the indisputably difficult times that Mercury retrograde phases can precipitate, bearing in mind that the outcome of anything depends to a large degree on your own reaction to events. What’s more, from an astrological point of view, it depends on where Mercury was placed at the time of your birth in your birth chart. In other words, it depends on who you are, and on how you react to circumstances beyond your control… Nevertheless, there are some preventative measures you can take to ensure that a Mercury retrograde period is as constructive as possible. For more, see this interview with Metro UK here




For a detailed and personal astrology chart analysis, consider an astrology consultation with Patsy Bennett. Call 0448808333 to book a personal consultation. Or email: office@patsybennett to book an appointment. 

The Zodiac Moon Reading Cards are out now at all good book shops, online and in bookshops. The ‘2023 Astrology Diary’ is also out; and the ‘2023 Horoscopes’ book, with daily predictions for each zodiac sign. All publications by Patsy Bennett are available both in shops and online, including her second book, ‘Sun Sign Secrets’. I,